Calendario 2025 Ecuador: A Comprehensive Guide

Calendario 2025 Ecuador: A Comprehensive Guide


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Calendario 2025 Ecuador: A Comprehensive Guide

2025 Ecuador Calendar with Holidays

Ecuador, a country located in the northwestern region of South America, has a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its traditional calendar system. The Calendario 2025 Ecuador is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed information about the country’s holidays, festivals, and other important dates.

Official Holidays

Ecuador has a total of 11 official holidays that are recognized by the government. These holidays include:

  1. New Year’s Day (January 1): This holiday marks the beginning of a new year.
  2. Epiphany (January 6): This holiday commemorates the visit of the Three Wise Men to the infant Jesus.
  3. Carnival (February 23-24): This holiday is celebrated with parades, music, and dancing.
  4. Ash Wednesday (February 26): This holiday marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and penance.
  5. Maundy Thursday (April 10): This holiday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.
  6. Good Friday (April 11): This holiday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  7. Easter Sunday (April 13): This holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  8. Labor Day (May 1): This holiday honors workers and their contributions to society.
  9. Independence Day (August 10): This holiday commemorates Ecuador’s independence from Spain in 1822.
  10. Foundation of Quito Day (December 6): This holiday celebrates the founding of Quito, Ecuador’s capital city, in 1534.
  11. Christmas Day (December 25): This holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Cultural Festivals

In addition to official holidays, Ecuador also has a number of cultural festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. These festivals include:

  1. Inti Raymi (June 21): This festival celebrates the winter solstice and the indigenous culture of Ecuador.
  2. Pawkar Raymi (September 21): This festival celebrates the spring equinox and the indigenous culture of Ecuador.
  3. Dia de los Difuntos (November 2): This holiday is dedicated to remembering and honoring the dead.
  4. Dia de los Inocentes (December 28): This holiday is similar to April Fool’s Day, with people playing pranks on each other.

Other Important Dates

In addition to holidays and festivals, the Calendario 2025 Ecuador also includes other important dates, such as:

  1. School year begins (April 15)
  2. School year ends (July 15)
  3. Tax filing deadline (March 15)
  4. Census Day (November 27)


The Calendario 2025 Ecuador is an invaluable resource for anyone living in or visiting Ecuador. It provides comprehensive information about the country’s holidays, festivals, and other important dates, ensuring that you can plan your year accordingly.

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